Breaking News: Nutriera was invited to attend Guangdong-Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cooperation and Exchange Dialogue & Guangdong International Business Opportunities Promotion Conference

On 12th October, Guangdong-Latin American and Caribbean Countries Cooperation and Exchange Dialogue & Guangdong International Business Opportunities Promotion Conference, with the ...

The 1st Forum on Carbon Neutrality and Aquaculture Sustainability (FCNAS) 2021

Value Innovation: Towards an Optimized Industrial Chain for Aquaculture.

Director of Asian Regional Artemia Reference Center visited Nutriera Group

On July 28th, Prof. Sui Liying, Vice President of Ocean and Environment College of Tianjin University of Science and Technology, as well as Director of Asian Regional Artemia Refer...

Good News: Nutriera Group joined the “China-Latin America Agricultural Education Technology Innovation Alliance”

On May 18, established by well-known agricultural universities and scientific research institutions and enterprises that from China and 13 countries of Latin America, the "China-La...

Delegation of Jingzhou Municipal Committee of Hubei visited Nutriera Group

On April 13th, Li Shuibin, Member of Jingzhou Municipal Committee, Luo Zhongping, Chairman of Jingzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, Zhao Fuchao, Deputy Director of Jingzhou...

Nutriera expert was invited to attend the ‘Fifth Aquatic Feed Practical Technology Forum in Central China’ and make a keynote presentation

From April 9th to 11th, 2021, the ‘Fifth Aquatic Feed Practical Technology Forum in Central China’, which co-sponsored by Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui Fisheries Technolog...

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