Nutriera experts were invited to attend the "2019 Bangladesh Aquatic Feed Technology Seminar" and share feed and animal health technologies
PubDate:2019-07-02 Author: Sources: Views:4080

On June 25-27, the "2019 Bangladesh Aquatic Feed Technology Symposium" was held by Jiangsu Famsun Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and WorldFish in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province of China. Executives and consultants from more than 20 well-known aquatic feed enterprises in Bangladesh attended the symposium. Dr. Zhang Song, vice president of Nutriera Group led the technical team of Dynaqua to attend.

Dr. Zhang Song shared “Chinese Aquafeed Panorama and Suggestions on Bangladesh Aqua-feed Formula”. He introduced Chinese aqua feeds by a large amount of data and pictures, and also introduced the characteristics and development trend of China's aquatic feed industry, which enabled the participants to have a comprehensive understanding of the world's largest aquatic feed production state. He also proposed several improvement suggestions for Bangladesh aquatic feed formulation technology that based on Nutriera Group's accumulation of formulation technology and combined with the team's understanding of aquaculture in Bangladesh. The participants were very interested in the report and had lots of communication.

In the afternoon of June 26, with the arrangement of Nutriera, the Bangladeshi guests visited some big fish farms of Jiangsu Nanshan Feed Co., Ltd to understand the special breeding varieties and culture models in China, and discussed how to solve the problem of aquaculture pain points through the combination of farm-care products.

Nutriera team has been in Bangladesh more than 7 years, participated in many fields such as aquafeed, seed, breeding, and aquatic product processing in the country. Nutriera also promoted China's advanced technology and excellent products in Bangladesh, and gained a high reputation. In May 2018, the largest aquatic feed technology seminar in Bangladesh was held by Nutriera. In the future, Nutriera Group will continue to supply high quality and excellent services to Bangladesh, and help to develop valuable Bangladesh aquatic products for the Chinese market, so as to achieve the “win-win” situation for the two countries.