2019' China Livestock and Poultry Enterprises Expand Aquatic Feed Summit Forum sucessfully held
PubDate:2019-04-04 Author: Sources: Views:6308

With the flowers blooming everywhere, the “Aqua Feed Expansion Summit for China Livestock and Poultry Enterprise 2019” with the theme of “Heading to the Blue Ocean with joint Symbiosis " was successfully held on 2nd April 2019 in Changsha, Hunan, China. More than 300 industry colleagues from both domestic and abroad attended the event. Mr. He Zhonghua, Technical General Manager of Dynaqua also led the core technical team to participate.

Participants of the forum

The forum was organized by Guangzhou Nutriera Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou FishCloud Plus Co., Ltd, co-organized by Sichuan New Xin Yuan Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd., Angel Yeast Co., Ltd., Guangdong VTR Bio - Tech Co., Ltd., Dabeinong (DBN) Fantastic Group Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Longlife Group Nanshan Feed Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou MVPro Biotechnology Co., Ltd, supported by Hubei TeemBio Co., Ltd., Guangzhou CoHoo Biotechnology Research and Development Center, Hebei Prosperity Aqua Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Hunan Perfly-Bio Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Dynaqua Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Agroleader Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Beijing Yifunong Supply Chain Service Platform. Many mainstream media such as Agricultural Wealth, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, China Feed Industry Information Network, Boyar, China Feed Trade, Animal Husbandry Network, China Animal Husbandry Magazine, zhue.com and powerpigs.net have broadcasted this event.

The forum was also funded by China-ASEAN Fisheries Resources Conservation and Exploitation.

During the opening speech, the Chairman of Hunan Feed Industry Association and Chairman of Changsha Feed Industry Association Mr. Huang Yiqiang said that the swine fever has a far-reaching impact on the industry, and the future growth potential of the aquaculture industry is huge. The active transformation of livestock and poultry enterprises to expand aquatic feed will be a good choice.

Opening speech by Mr. Huang Yiqiang

Compere, Dr. Zhang Song

Compere, Mr. Wu Chengli

This forum invited 11 top experts to share the current development situation of agriculture and animal husbandry, the transformation and operation of livestock and poultry enterprises to expand aquatic feed and the key points of aquatic feed technology. By getting full knowledge from multi-angles, the participants fully enjoyed the reports.


Developing strategies of China feed enterprises in the second-half stage

Mr. Yao Minpu, Chief Strategy Officer of National Biological Feed Engineering Center

In 2019, China economy is entering into the deep zone of industrial structure adjustment, and the direction of economic development will surely lead to fundamental changes accordingly. While facing the new situation of China's economic development, Mr. Yao Minpu, Chief Strategy Officer of the National Biological Feed Engineering Center, is deeply involved in the current frontiers of the industry and thoroughly analyzed the various problems encountered in the current agriculture and animal husbandry industry.

Mr. Yao Minpu pointed out that the era of China's agriculture and animal husbandry industry has entered into a new stage of innovation and development, and enterprise development must be transformed. African swine fever has exploded and spread rapidly in China, and this has accelerated the speed of enterprise transformation directly or indirectly, actively or passively. Many livestock and poultry enterprises started to enter the aquatic industry to open a new round of competition, which is both a challenge and an opportunity. The future development strategies can be summarized into two words: integration and innovation. To achieve this, enterprises must stay awake at all times, and closely follow the policy of that cash flow is the king, accumulate more technical strength and retain talent.


Characteristics and trends of China aquatic industry development

Dr. Xie Shouqi, Prof. of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

In order to enter the aquatic feed industry, livestock and poultry enterprises must fully understand the characteristics and trends of China aquatic industry development, thus formulate more systematic strategic development goals and more efficient expansion strategies. What are the characteristics of China's aquatic industry development? What is the trend? Prof. Xie Shouqi from the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences used a large number of objective and detailed data and examples to demonstrate the history of aquaculture in China and the importance of fish for health.

Chinese aquaculture has experienced a huge transformation from fishing-based, aquaculture-assisted to major aquaculture supply, and still has great development potential. With the improvement of living standards, the consumption concept of “people who eat fish is healthier and eat more fish for health” is gradually gaining popularity, and the demand for aquatic products will become larger and larger. At the same time, more and more attention have been paid to the green and safe food, which puts higher demands on aquaculture. In the future, to meet the increasing demand for aquatic products, it is required to increase the output per unit area. Large-scale, factory-controllable aquaculture must be the direction of future aquatic products development, and food safety, environmental safety and culture safety will become the new normal.


Upgrading and transformation boosting the rapid development of Nanshan Feed

Mr. Gu Ping, Chairman of Nanshan Feed Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Longlife Group)

The rapid development of Jiangsu Longlife Group Nanshan Feed Company in the aquatic feed sector in recent years is a model for the successful transformation of aquatic feed for traditional livestock and poultry enterprises. Before 2014, Nanshan Feed mainly produced and sold animal feeds. The annual sales volume of aquatic products was less than 20,000 tons, and it only involved in regular sinking fish feed.

Mr. Gu Ping decisively seized the transformation of the golden development period of the transformation and development of the aquatic industry, vigorously developed aquatic products, especially special extruded feeds and functional feeds, and realized the development miracle of 300% growth of aquatic products in 4 years. The sales volume reached 170,000 tons in 2018, and will exceeded 200,000 tons in 2019. Mr. Gu Ping shared the secrets of the smooth transformation of Nanshan Company from several key points such as product transformation ideas, team building and product stability.


"Dr. Swine" turned into "Fish Marshal" - the successful crossover story of DBN Fantastic Aquaculture

Dr. Yi Ganfeng, CEO of DBN Fantastic Aquatic Technology Group

As a highly influential listed company in the Chinese swine industry, Da Bei Nong Group has chosen to invest heavily in the development of aquatic feed in the context of a well performing swine industry situation, and has also appointed Dr. Yi Ganfeng, known as ‘Dr. Swine’ who was educated in the United States as the CEO of this major project. After four years of hard working, the former ‘Dr. Swine’ has become the ‘Dr. Fantastic’ who is well known in the aquatic industry. He led his soldiers to rapidly increase the total sales volume of aquatic feed from 170,000 tons to nearly 500,000 tons, and farm-care products from zero to 150 million CNY sales value, and entered the industry-leading camp, which has attracted high attention.

During the conference, Dr. Fantastic shared with the guests about how has Fantastic Aquatic Products been eagerly pursued under the strategy of ‘Feed + Farm-care products’ in recent years.


Opportunities, challenges and strategies for livestock and poultry feed enterprises to develop aquatic products

Dr. Yang Yong, Chairman of Guangzhou Nutriera Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Since the general trend of aquatic consumption and aquaculture is good, what are the risks and opportunities for livestock and poultry enterprises to enter aquatic feed industry? Dr. Yang Yong, the Chairman of Nutriera, analyzed the uncertainty of the current economic situation, which brought great challenges to the agriculture and animal husbandry industry, especially the livestock and poultry industry. While the concentration of aquatic feed is not intensive, the total amount of aquatic feed is increasing slowly, and the structural adjustment is significant and shows a great potential in the future.

Consumption changes (upgrades), industrial policies, and internationalization have brought three major development opportunities. Also there are three major challenges behind the opportunities: technology, talent, and capital, which coincides with Mr. Yao Minpu's view. How to deal with the opportunities and challenges? Dr. Yang Yong gave the answer of integration of team and technology, feed product upgrades, and small industry chains. The report gave the participants a huge impact, and further strengthened the confidence and determination to enter into aquatic feed industry.


How to quickly convey livestock and poultry feed equipment into aquatic feed processing

Mr. Li De, Technical Director of Sichuan New Xin Yuan Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd

In order to produce a high quality feed, good raw materials and good formulations together with suitable production equipment is required. The manufacturing process is a major limiting factor for livestock and poultry feed enterprises to produce aquatic feeds. But to construct a full set of aquatic feed and even new specialized aquatic feed factories, the investment is large and the construction period is long, and may lose the golden opportunity for development.

Mr. Li De analyzed the actual production situation of livestock and poultry enterprises from the aspects of aquatic feed production characteristics, production technology, equipment selection and management. He pointed out that compared with livestock and poultry feed, the aquatic feed has high requirements for grinding fineness and high conditioning temperature, so the processing parameter configuration is very different, and equipment selection is very critical.


Study on application of yeast source biological feed in healthy aquaculture

Dr. Hu Junpeng, Animal Nutrition Technology Director of Angel Yeast Co., Ltd.

Dr. Hu Junpeng used a large number of experimental data to give detailed introduction to the application of yeast products in aquafeeds. Yeast is widely used in the aquatic industry. It has functions such as immunization, attracting, inhibiting bacteria, promoting growth, and providing high-quality protein, and has huge potential in stabilize feed quality, enhance the digestive health of aquatic animals, strengthen immune levels, and improve growth performance.


Characteristics of quality control of aquatic feed ingredients and finished products

Ms. He Fen

Quality Control Director of Guangzhou Nutriera Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

General Manager of Guangzhou FishCloud Plus Co., Ltd.

Due to the classification of breeding species and the living environment, there are big differences in nutritional requirements, and there are differences in the selection and quality control of feed ingredients. By comparing the differences between terrestrial animals and aquatic animals, Ms. He Fen made a systematic explanation from the selection and quality control of aquatic feed ingredients, quality control of feed products, etc., and made a thorough introduction of quality control over aquatic feed ingredients and finished products.


The key points of building the raw materials standards and procurement system of aquatic feeds for livestock & poultry enterprises

Mr. Wang Xin

General Manager of Guangzhou MVPro Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Due to the complexity and particularity of aquatic feed formulation, it will surely bring much difficulties for procurement, but there are also great opportunities. The General Manager of Guangzhou MVPro Mr. Wang Xin provided a systematic solution for the difference towards QC standards and raw materials procurement for aqua feeds and livestock & poultry.  

Regarding the raw material QC standard, Mr. Wang Xin suggested that we should select different raw materials according to different aquaculture species, set different procurement standards for different raw materials, especially highlight the key index of raw materials. In terms of procurement, it is a must to know the true source of raw materials, master the seasonal changes and demand & supply impacts so as to give full play to channel advantages, integrate quality resources and optimize procurement advantages.


Product specificity and key points of formula design for aqua feeds

Dr. Zhang Song, Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Nutriera Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

The vice president of Nutriera Dr. Zhang Song gave a guidance on how to jump out of the livestock technology fence and design aquatic product formulas with new ideas for livestock and poultry enterprises from the differences between livestock and poultry feed and aqua feed formula and the key points of aqua feed formula technology,

The livestock and poultry feed formula concerns much for the energy demand, and the raw material variety is relatively simple. While the aquatic feed formula pays more attention to the protein demand, the raw material use variety is more diverse and the formula is more complicated. At the same time, the nutrition demand of different aquatic animals varies greatly, and the formulator's technical ability is further important. Therefore, under the background of insufficient formulation technology in the early stage, the best way of developing aqua feeds for livestock and poultry enterprises is to “take shortcuts” and look for partners with strong technical strength in aquatic products to quickly enter the market.


Feasibility study on the application of liquid product and oil mixing sprayed on aqua feeds

Dr. Xu Shude, General Manager of Key Account Service Department of Guangdong VTR Bio - Tech Co., Ltd.,

The feed enzyme products industry has been developed for 20 years and has been widely used in various livestock and poultry feeds. However, there have been several bottlenecks in the application of aquatic feed, like the high temperature of the production process, especially extrusion will affect the destruction of the enzyme massively. Enzyme stability (heat resistance, pH and storage stability) is the primary factor of determining whether it can be used in aquatic products or not. Aquaculture animals are temperature-changing animals, so how to achieve better activity under low water temperature conditions is also the key to determine the better application in aquafeeds. Most of the nutrients are mainly absorbed by the intestines, while the pH of the intestines is near neutral, and the pH-neutral enzymes in aquafeed could play a better role.

Dr. Xu Shude introduced the application of aquatic phytase in aquafeeds, the characteristics of protease and its latest application research and the feasibility application of enzyme in aquatic feed, and the practical application cases of the mixed oil after the enzyme oil were given.

Group photo of conference committee members

The success of this forum has brought confidence for the development of aqua feed, and indicated the direction and technical key points of aquafeed operations. The guests gave high praise to the forum theme and the wonderful speeches of the reporters. Everyone said that they would make great efforts and work hard on the aqua feed business and create a new world in the blue ocean market.

Guangzhou Nutriera Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has been committed to serving and leading the healthy development of aquatic industry and ensuring the healthy and safe production of aquatic products. In the future, it will continue to actively organize exchanges platforms, and promote the wisdom sharing in the global aquaculture industry for the production of safe, nutritious and healthy aquatic products.