Good News: Nutriera joined the “China-Latin America Agricultural Education Technology Innovation Alliance”
PubDate:2021-05-19 Author: Sources: Views:6212

On May 18,  established by well-known agricultural universities and scientific research institutions and enterprises that from China and 13 countries of Latin America, the "China-Latin America Agricultural Education Technology Innovation Alliance" (Abbreviated as the "China-Latin America Agricultural Science and Education Innovation Alliance"), held its first member conference at South China Agricultural University. Dr. Zhang Song, vice president of Nutriera Group, was invited to participate.

The conference was chaired by Qiu Rongliang, Vice President of South China Agricultural University. Liu Yahong, President of South China Agricultural University, delivered a speech on behalf of the chairman unit, and Luis Fernando Gaviria Trujillo, President of Pereira University of Science and Technology in Colombia, delivered a speech on behalf of the Vice -Chairman unit of Latin America. The meeting voted on the organizational structure of the alliance, issued certificates for members of the alliance, and held a number of transnational inter-school signing ceremonies and the online unveiling ceremony of the "Brazil Breeding Base of Soybean Varieties of South China Agricultural University".

The China-Latin America Agricultural Science and Education Innovation Alliance is a cooperation platform proposed by South China Agricultural University and established by 46 agricultural universities and scientific research institutions in China and Latin American countries. On December 18, 2020, the Alliance held its inauguration ceremony. As the first member meeting, 6 companies and 7 universities and scientific research institutions were added to the original basis. The new members of the alliance were awarded member units certificate at the meeting site. The current alliance members include 59 universities, research institutions and enterprises of China and 13 Latin American countries. Enterprise members consist of 5 Chinese companies and 1 Brazilian company. Chinese companies include Nutriera Group, Longping Agriculture, Wens Group etc.

The expert team of Nutriera Group has been working in more than 20 major aquaculture countries in the world, and spreading China's leading aquaculture concepts and technologies to the world. Nutriera Group also has branches in Latin America, Ecuador and other countries. Ecuadorian Chinese and Overseas Chinese Association and other relevant leaders have visited Nutriera Group for many times. Experts of Nutriera Group have also been invited to Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama and other countries to conduct training lectures, which laid a deep foundation for exchanges and cooperation with Latin American countries.

As described in the invitation letter issued by South China Agricultural University to Nutriera Group: "As a high-tech service-oriented and international group enterprise, Nutriera Group is in a leading position in the field of aquatic feed and nutrition in China, and has made important contributions to the development of our country's aquatic industry. Your company's participation will surely further promote the mutually beneficial and integrated development of China and Latin American countries in the field of agricultural education and technology. " Nutriera Group will live up to expectations and strive to contribute to the promotion of exchanges and common development between China and Latin American countries.