Nutriera experts were invited to attend the 17th Animal Husbandry and Feed Science & Technology and Economic Summit Forum
PubDate:2021-01-02 Author: Sources: Views:7340

On December 12-14, the 17th Animal Husbandry and Feed Science & Technology and Economic Summit Forum was grandly held in Shenzhen, China. Elites and experts from politics, industry, academia and research institutes gathered together to discuss the plans for promoting the high-quality development of the animal husbandry and feed industry. Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group, was invited to attend the summit and gave a speech on the theme forum of aquaculture industry ecology.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Dr. Cai Huiyi, Chairman of the Feed Economics Committee of the China Society of Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Economics. Mr. Li Xirong, Chairman of the China Animal Agriculture Association, Mr. Wang Zongli, Secretary General of the China Feed Industry Association, and Professor Jiang Qingyan, Secretary General of the Guangdong Feed Industry Association, delivered opening speeches respectively.

Mr. Li Xirong was making an opening speech

The forum consisted of keynote reports and theme forums. Dr. Wu Xiaoqiu, a well-known Economist and former Vice President of Renmin University of China, shared a keynote report entitled "Economic and Financial Situation and the Impact of China’s Economy on Agriculture and Animal Husbandry". Mr. Ma Youxiang, General Livestock Specialist of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, systematically interpreted the report of “Industrial Policy and Development Trends of China’s Animal Husbandry and Feed Industry in 2021”. Mr. Qin Yinglin, President of Muyuan Group, and Mr. Tao Yishan, President of Tangrenshen Group, comprehensively analyzed the development trend of China's swine industry in the future.

The theme forums were divided into 8 parts, including swine industry ecology, poultry industry ecology, aquaculture industry ecology, commercial feed, antibiotic-free technology and animal nutrition, intelligent breeding technology, fresh chain supermarket of livestock products under new retail model, and integrated solutions to customer needs. Many leaders and experts from industry leading enterprises shared their speeches.

Although aquaculture industry has a small proportion compared with the animal husbandry industry, the theme forum on aquaculture industry ecology had attracted a lot of attention. The forum was presided over by Dr. Zhang Lu, Vice President of Tongwei Group. Mr. Chen Dan, President of Evergreen Group, gave the first report on "New Challenges Facing Aquaculture Industry Under the Pandemic ". Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group, and other 5 experts had a wonderful exchange on the topic of the development of ecological industry chain and key models of aquaculture industry.

Mr. Chen Dan was making a report

The forum site

In terms of the expansion in the aquaculture industry chain, Dr. Zhang Song said that Nutriera is steadily developing aquafeed premix business, and actively extending the industry chain at the same time. MVPro, a subsidiary of Nutriera Group, operates the feedstuff ingredients business and takes advantage of the resources of Nutriera's distribution in 20 overseas countries to import cost-effective and special animal protein materials to the domestic market. Dynaqua focuses on aquatic farm care products, and provides clients with OEM service and technical solutions. In other fields of the industrial chain, such as seedling breeding and aquatic product trading, Nutriera is also actively promoting and exploring. "The purpose of our efforts in the industrial chain is to provide supporting resources to our customers, assist them in expanding the industrial chain, so as to enhance market competitiveness." said Dr. Zhang Song in his speech.

Dr. Zhang Song was delivering a speech

Regarding whether the industrial chain is the only way for the development of aquafeed enterprises, Dr. Zhang Song gave his suggestions. First of all, the industrial chain is the future development trend of aquaculture industry. On the one hand, the competitive advantages of aquafeed companies that possess industrial chain or part of industrial chain have become increasingly prominent, which is driven by industry competition. On the other hand, nutritious, healthy and safe aquatic products meet the needs of end consumers. The consumption of processed and fast food is also growing rapidly, and these demands need to be solved by the industrial chain. But the development of the industrial chain still exists risks, like insufficient specialization leading to disperse core capabilities, intensify competition between industries, and worsen internal coordination and linkage. Therefore, companies are supposed to have various development strategies at different stages.

Photo of attendees

In 2020, China's animal husbandry industry has unprecedented new situations and challenges, but new opportunities are also gestated in the crisis. As long as we grasp the trend, clarify our thinking, and are determined, we will surely move towards a new glory.