Breaking News: Nutriera expert was invited to attend the Symposium on China's Agricultural Green Industry
PubDate:2022-01-05 Author: Sources: Views:6703

On December 12, the Symposium on China's Agricultural Green was held in Guangzhou. Ye Zhenqin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, Yu Xinrong, former Deputy Secretary and Deputy Minister of the Party of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Chairman of the China Agricultural Green Development Research Association, Academician Liu Yaoguang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Luo Xiwen and Xu Weigang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Chen Ligen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Agricultural University,  Lu Huazhong, President of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Cheng Ping, President of the Zhongkai Agricultural Engineering College, and other leaders, experts, entrepreneurs and relevant representatives have attended the symposium. Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group, was invited to attend and made a keynote speech. Six well-known enterprises including Alibaba Group and Guangdong Yihao Foodstuff Co., Ltd. were also invited.



The symposium is divided into three parts: keynote report, expert report and round table discussion. The keynote report was chaired by Ye Zhenqin, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee.


Ye Zhenqin, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, presided over the keynote report


Yu Xinrong, former Deputy Secretary and Deputy Minister of the Party of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Chairman of the China Agricultural Green Development Research Association, delivered a speech and a keynote report. Yu Xinrong pointed out that the development of green agriculture should follow a scientific path, use scientific thinking, change the development mode, innovate systems and mechanisms, policies and measures, and walk out a path of agricultural green development with space optimization, resource conservation, environmental friendliness and ecological stability. 2021 is an extremely critical year, as the "two contenary" converge and the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" begins. Standing at a new historical starting point, a seminar on China's agricultural green industry will be held to brainstorm ideas and provide theoretical support and practical application experience for the development of green agriculture.


Yu Xinrong, former Deputy Secretary and Deputy Minister of the Party Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Chairman of China Agricultural Green Development Research Association, delivered a speech and made a keynote report


The expert reports and roundtable discussions were presided over by Liu Beihua, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Agricultural Green Development Research Association. Three experts, including Academician Xu Weigang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chen Ligen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Agricultural University, and Academician Liu Yaoguang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made keynote reports respectively.


Liu Beihua, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Agricultural Green Development Research Association, presided over the expert report and roundtable discussion


Academician Xu Weigang of the Chinese Academy of Engineering made a report on "Adhering to Green Development and Promoting Joint Research on Wheat Breeds"


Chen Ligen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing Agricultural University, made a report on "Thinking of Agricultural Universities Helping the Revitalization of the National Seed Industry"


Academician Liu Yaoguang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences made a report on "Application of Gene Editing Driven Biotechnology in Breeding"


In the roundtable discussion session of 50 people, six experts and six entrepreneurs discussed "what opportunities can the green development of agriculture bring", "the background color of agriculture in the future must be green, and what cutting-edge technologies can be blessed" and "promoting rural development in an all-round way", "How to develop agriculture in a green way”.


Round table discussion


Luo Xiwen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor Chen Yaosheng of Sun Yat-sen University, Cheng Ping, President of Zhongkai College of Agricultural Engineering, and Wu Yinbao, Deputy Dean of the School of Animal Science, South China Agricultural University,  expressed their views on the first two topics respectively.



Dr. Zhang Song, Vice President of Nutriera Group, and other enterprise representatives discussed "comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and how to develop agriculture in a green way". Dr. Zhang Song said in his speech that Nutriera Group has been actively practicing the national policy of green agricultural development, not only promoting the self-developed green agricultural products and technologies to 26 domestic provinces, but also exporting to more than 20 countries along the “Belt and Road” . Under the background of the national double carbon policy, Nutriera jointly launched the world's first carbon neutrality and green aquatic development forum with the China Fisheries Association and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to discuss strategies and ideas for green aquatic development on November 7-8, 2021.


Dr. Zhang Song from Nutriera Group made a speech at the roundtable discussion


In view of how to achieve green and low-carbon development in the aquafeed industry, Dr. Zhang Song proposed Nutriera's innovative strategy. First of all, in the upstream link of feed, we will develop raw materials that do not use chemical fertilizers to partially replace crops such as soybeans, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions such as nitrous oxide. At the same time, the carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide gas and nitrogen and phosphorus-containing wastewater discharged from the factory can be used to synthesize bacterial proteins and microalgae. Secondly, at the feed processing end, low-temperature puffing and pellet flotation are realized through technological innovation, thereby greatly reducing energy consumption. Finally, on the breeding side, through the technical solution of nutritional animal protection, the nutrients in waste such as manure and bait are recycled and reused, and efficiently converted into water productivity, so as to achieve the goal of healthy, environmentally friendly and efficient breeding.


The last part of the seminar is to release the consensus of the China Agricultural Green Industry Seminar.



As a leading enterprise in the aquatic  premix industry, Nutriera Group has been adhering to the mission of "leading the healthy development of aquatic products and ensuring food nutrition safety", and closely follows the national strategy, integrating the national strategy with its own development. In the future, Nutriera will continue to innovate and contribute to the green and low-carbon development of the industry.